Marketing yourself to AI employers
Marketing yourself to AI employers
If you're looking for a job in artificial intelligence, there are several materials that you'll need to have ready. This is because there are a lot of different types of AI positions out there and each one requires certain skills or knowledge. You can use these materials as your own personal CV or get them from other people who have already done this before—either way works fine!
A CV is a summary of your education and work experience, which can be used to identify relevant skills. A well-written CV should be concise, easy to read, and easy to understand by employers. The following tips will help you create an effective CV:
- Be concise! Your goal should not be to include every detail about yourself in this document—you want it to be able to convey only the important facts about your career history that are relevant for finding employment in AI companies.
- Keep it simple! Use bullet points instead of paragraph blocks; avoid jargon; don't include irrelevant information (unless it's relevant).
- Be consistent! Use consistent names for each job title throughout your file so that it doesn't look like someone has thrown together random words with no thought or organization behind them. This will help potential employers quickly scan through their files without having trouble understanding what they're seeing therein.
If you want to stand out from other AI candidates, it's important to have a strong publication record. Publications are the most important part of your CV and they can be in any format, as long as they're professional.
Make sure that all publications are relevant to your field: Is the article about machine learning? Or is it about data visualization? Make sure that when people read articles written by you, they understand what area of AI you work in and how much experience you have with that specific topic.
Keep track of everything! If there's anything else related to AI (like video games), make sure it's included on your website either through an external link or a page dedicated specifically for such content
- Make sure that all publications are relevant to your field: Is the article about machine learning? Or is it about data visualization? Make sure that when people read articles written by you, they understand what area of AI you work in and how much experience you have with that specific topi
- Keep track of everything! If there's anything else related to AI (like video games), make sure it's included on your website either through an external link or a page dedicated specifically for such content
Online Profile
The first thing you should do is create an online profile and link it to your GitHub, StackOverflow, and LinkedIn profiles. This will allow you to use them as a resource for content throughout the application process. You can also include links to other social media platforms such asTwitter and Facebook in this section of your profile.
You have to have some materials on hand for AI job applications
You can't expect to get an AI job without having some materials on hand.
You'll need a CV, which is your online resume. This should include:
- Your name and contact information (email address)
- Job title(s) and company(s) you've worked for over the past few years
- Education details including university or college degree level (if applicable), coursework completed, graduation date and school name/location; research interests if applicable; relevant experience such as internships, co-op placements or summer jobs (note that some companies may want to see this information only when applying).
The last thing I’d recommend is creating a LinkedIn profile because it's easy to update—just log into LinkedIn and click “update” under “MyProfile” section on top right corner of screen.
With all of these tips, we hope that you will be able to apply for jobs at AI companies in the future. If you're interested in learning more about AI opportunities contact our team at Cubiq!
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